Make a note about each of the 5 photos to explain what each one signifies, and how one leads to another. How does your organization convey your purpose?
The first photo signifies 1 + 1 makes 2 people. The second photo represents the two people from photo one joining hands in marriage. Photo three represents that marriage costs money. Photo four represents that the money from photo three is spent in places like the grocery store. Photo five represents this is how today's society lives.
Are there different arguments that you could have made by organizing your 5 photos in different ways?
I think if the photos were organized a different way, then there could have been different arguments created. For instance: if the photos were in reverse order, then the argument could be that in today's world, everything is doubled compared to a century ago.
Are there other elements you could add to make your argument stronger—for example, playing music with the slide show or adding text?
I think if I could add text to each photo this would create a much stronger message for the viewer to comprehend.